Office Manаger

от 10 000 000 до 16 000 000 so'm за месяц на руки

Выплаты: два раза в месяц

Опыт работы: 3–6 лет

Полная занятость

График: 5/2

Рабочие часы: 8

Формат работы: на месте работодателя

Напишите телефон, чтобы работодатель мог связаться с вами

Чтобы подтвердить, что вы не робот, введите текст с картинки:


-Filling out forms to obtain permits and submitting reports in English

- Booking airline tickets, CIP and VIP; Payment via online banking - Concluding contracts, powers of attorney;

- Organizing work with incoming and outgoing correspondence (letters, emails): receiving, registering, transferring to the addressee, recording, storing documents; - Interaction and approval of company contracts with lawyers and the chief accountant;

- Communication with service providers about the price, delivery times of goods, etc.; - Signature of contracts, letters and other documentation by the company director;

- Keeping minutes of the meeting and sending them to participants; - Monitoring regions, procurement, processing payment requests; - Accounting for employee attendance, ensuring cleanliness and order in the office premises;

- Purchasing air and train tickets for company employees, dispatching vehicles;

- Organizing hotel, car, CIP and VIP reservations;

- Monitoring the purchase of inventory items within the agreed company budget;

- Registration of payment requests, according to new contracts, electronic invoices, specifications via BIT Finance and in paper form, according to the company's regulations;

- Control of debit and credit debts according to payment requests;

- Provision of corporate cards, interaction with the supplier and their accounting.

- Monthly monitoring of corporate expenses; - Monthly monitoring of corporate taxis.

- Accompanying guests and company management

Fluent in English
Punctual, executive, responsible, able to cope with stressful situations and with the ability to find a common language in the team
Ready for irregular work schedules and for business trips
Mobile communication

Ключевые навыки

  • Английский язык
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Мотивация команды
  • Ведение сложных переговоров
  • Выявление потребности
  • Дизайн
  • Постановка задач по SMART
  • Unit-экономика
  • Английский — C2 — В совершенстве

Задайте вопрос работодателю

Он получит его с откликом на вакансию

Где предстоит работать

Ташкент, Шахрисабзский проезд, 2

Вакансия опубликована 3 марта 2025 в Ташкенте

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