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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 37 years, born on 23 April 1987

Not looking for a job

Tashkent, willing to relocate (Germany), prepared for business trips

German teacher, translator

  • Teacher, educator

Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 19 years 1 month

October 2022currently
2 years 6 months
Lev Luchko German Club in Tashkent:

Tashkent, t.me/llclubs2023/1347

Public Activity, Political Parties, Volunteering, Non-Profit Organizations... Show more

1). German language practice 2). Theater, skits and dialogues in German 3). Karaoke in German 4). communication with Germans 5). Language weekends in German 6). German boarding games 7). Conversational topics in German 8). Cooking classes
April 2021April 2023
2 years 1 month


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

German teacher
1). Conducting group and individual German language classes for full-time students and correspondence departments 2). Monitoring student academic performance, conducting tests, oral and written surveys 3). Conducting tests and exams in German for full-time and part-time students
September 2021September 2022
1 year 1 month

Moscow, www.teleperformance.ru

Business Services... Show more

Head of german line
1). Operational management of staff 2). Efficiency analysis 3). Human resource management 4). Professional development and testing of employees
April 2015September 2022
7 years 6 months
BSH Household Appliances (a subsidiary of the BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH concern)

Moscow, www.bsh-group.com

Electronics, Tool Engineering, Household Appliances, Computers and Office Equipment... Show more

German teacher
1). Conducting group and individual German language classes 2). Monitoring student academic performance, conducting tests, oral and written surveys 3). Professional development and testing of employees B`S`H employees have reached the average level of knowledge and are ready to take exams at the Goethe-Institut (Moscow) for the A1-B2 certificates. I have been teaching at B'S'H for many years now and my responsibilities include not only teaching, but also monitoring student progress. I received a positive recommendation from B'S'H.
February 2011January 2015
4 years
The Austrian company "MUREXIN AG"

Moscow, murexin.ru/front_content.php

Industrial Equipment, Machine Tools and Components... Show more

German language teacher, translator
1). Conducting corporate trainings and team building for company employees in German 2). Group and individual German lessons 3). Oral and written translations of construction topics MUREXIN employees have reached the average level of knowledge and are ready to take exams at the Goethe-Institut (Moscow) for the B1 certificate. The company's employees are able to make presentations in German, speak on any topic, write and respond to business letters. They also learned to listen to speech and understand the meaning and individual phrases in German films.
December 2011February 2014
2 years 3 months
Golden Grand Linguistic Center LLC


Educational Institutions... Show more

Director of Development
1). Promotion on the Internet, social networks, website promotion 2). Direct sales, sales management 3). Staff training, seminars on German language teaching methods During the period of my work with the language center, such large companies as JSC "FPC", the law firm C'M'S signed contracts, EBRD Bank, SPSR logistics company. The head of the investment department of JSC "FPC" and my student, passed two certificates Goethe-Institut levels A1 and A2.
January 2009June 2011
2 years 6 months
MFUA (Moscow Academy of Finance and Law)

Moscow, www.mfua.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

German teacher
1). Conducting group and individual German language classes for full-time students and correspondence departments 2). Monitoring student academic performance, conducting tests, oral and written surveys 3). Conducting tests and exams in German for full-time and part-time students
September 2010April 2011
8 months
MIPP (Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law)

Moscow, мипп.рф

Educational Institutions... Show more

Head of the International Relations Department
1). Organization of language internships for students IIPP to the INSE Institute (Berlin, Germany) 2). Visa support and advice for IIPP students on obtaining visas to Germany 3). Accompanying students in two-week language internships at the INSE Institute (Berlin, Germany) 4). Oral and written translations of educational, economic and legal topics
January 2006December 2008
3 years
Intellect Center on Kolomenskaya, service department No. 2

Moscow, www.tolstovka1908.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

German teacher
1). Conducting group and individual German classes for library readers 2). Monitoring student academic performance, conducting tests, oral and written surveys 3). Conducting cultural events in German for students of nearby schools


Skill proficiency levels
Навыки презентации
Обучение и развитие
Обучение персонала
Управление продажами
Ведение переговоров
Организаторские навыки

About me

https://levluchko.tilda.ws/ Lev Sergeyevich Luchko was born and raised in Moscow on 04/23/1987. He graduated from the Moscow German school in 1284. Grandson of Deputy Minister of Finance of the USSR Babushkin L.E., author of books and textbooks on economics, Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences, veteran of labor, director of the NIFI MF USSR 1974-1982 and Deputy Mayor of Smela (Ukraine) Luchko V.A. Parents: Sergey Luchko (Dad) is a nuclear physicist (MSU Physics Department). Marina Luchko (mother) is an honored Lecturer at Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics, professor, author of books and textbooks. Babashkina A.M. (grandmother) is an honored teacher of Russia and Moscow State University, a veteran of labor. Experience — 17 years, worked and lived in Berlin. In 2021-2022, he worked at FIFA as the head of the sales department of the German line. He is the author of 4 textbooks on the German language, a video course on A1 and a marathon on German grammar A1-C1. Winner of the Moscow Small Business accelerators (Skolkovo, Financial University under the President of the Russian Federation), director of the schools "Deutch aktiv" and "LLclubs". In 2012-2023, he organized >400 educational events, workshops and festivals in Russia, Germany and Uzbekistan. Founder of the German club in Tashkent "LLclubs". The club implements both free social and commercial formats for adults and children. Over the 17 years of working experience, 252 students have been prepared by me for successfully passing the Unified State Exam and the OGE, for the international exams of the Goethe Institute A1-C1, "Test Daf B2/C1", for tests for student colleges "Test AS", "Test A", "Test C", exams for late immigrants "Test für Zuwanderer", "Sprachtest", "DTZ", "Ergänzungstest", including "Fachsprachprüfung" for doctors. My specialty is preparing for international exams in a short time. The author's method of memorizing words and grammatical rules. 13 professional development courses and 10 letters of recommendation from the companies "Murexin", "B'S'H", "STS-Media", "Long Sheng Pharma", "Baumit", "Globus", "Event-Play", "Top-stream", "TS-Media", "International Medical the company". +998-(91)087-2304, @LevLuchko (Telegram) +, lev_luchko@mail.ru

Higher education

Институт Лингвистики и Межкультурных Коммуникаций
педагогический, лингвист, преподаватель двух иностранных языков, специалист по межкультурным коммуникациям



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

GermanC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Книжный дом "Британия"
Издательство "Cornlesen", Преподавание немецкого языка
Книжный дом "Британия"
Издательство "Huber", Преподавание немецкого языка
Сертификат Гёте-института о повышении квалификации "Mehrsprachigkeit in Rußland Deutsch - die erste Zweite "
Гёте-институт, Москва, Преподавание немецкого языка
Сертификат Гёте-института о повышении квалификации
Гёте-институт, Москва, Преподавание немецкого языка
Сертификат Гёте-института о повышении квалификации "Fremdsprache - Partnersprache"
Гёте-институт, Москва, Преподавание немецкого языка
Сертификат Гёте-института (Sicherer Deutsch unterrichten)
Гёте-институт, Москва, Преподавание немецкого языка
Сертификат о прохождении производственной практики в Берлине "Management-Sprachkurs (Deutsch)"
INSE, Berlin, Менеджмент
Удостоверение о краткосрочном повышении квалификации "Методология обучения иностранным языкам в контексте модернизации высшего профессионального образования"
АПК и ППРО, Преподавание немецкого языка

Tests, examinations

Сертификат Гёте-института (Sicherer Deutsch unterrichten)
Goethe-Institut (Москва), прошёл полный курс

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter