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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 36 years, born on 20 October 1988

Not looking for a job

Tashkent, willing to relocate (Canada, Switzerland), prepared for business trips

Lead DevOps Engineer

7 000 $ in hand

  • DevOps engineer

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 12 years

June 2022currently
2 years 10 months

Tashkent, hamkorbank.uz

Financial Sector... Show more

DevOps Engineer
Job responsibilities: Implementation of new technologies, migration from Docker Swarm to Kubernetes, Deployment/Preparation of production-ready/pre-production-ready Kubernetes cluster. using Kubespray, Deploying/Preparing a production-ready MinIO cluster, Deploying/Preparing a production-ready WSO2IS cluster, Deploying/Preparing a production-ready Patroni (PostgreSQL) Technology stack: Linux, Kubernetes (Kubeadm, Kubespray, Helm, Calico, Cilium (ClusterMesh), Argo Rollouts (blue green and canary deployments), IPVS, OpenEBS, Longhorn, cert-manager), Docker, Podman, ContainerD, Gitlab CI/CD/Runner (kaniko), ArgoCD, Ansible, WSO2*, Patroni (HAproxy, Keepalived, PGBouncer, etc, PostgreSQL), MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Kafka, MinIO, Nexus, GLP stack (Grafana, Loki, Prometheus), VictoriaMetrics, Growthbook (on k8s), DWF (Apache Airflow, Apache Airbyte, Apache Spark, JupyterHub on k8s), Vault (ESO, dynamic secret management)
March 2021June 2022
1 year 4 months
Ipak Yo'li Bank

Tashkent, ipakyulibank.uz

Financial Sector... Show more

DevOps Engineer
Job responsibilities: Support for company CI/CD in Github Actions, deployment and support of ELK cluster for system logging, process automation using bash, Support for microservice architecture in Docker Technology stack: Linux, Nftables, Nginx, Ansible, GitHub Actions, Docker, IPSec ElasticSearch, Kibana, FluentBit, FileBeat
December 2018March 2021
2 years 4 months
Bistox Exchange

Tashkent, bistox.com

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

DevOps Engineer
Job responsibilities: Company CI/CD support in Gitlab, Infrastructure support in On-premise and On-cloud (AWS), Infrastructure deployment with Terraform, GLP stack deployment/maintenance, Microservice architecture support in Kubernetes, Project deployment with Helm, Implementation of Wireguard VPN gateways, Deployment/Support of blockchain nodes Technology stack: Linux, AWS (EKS, ECR, LoadBalancer, ASG, S3, EC2, R53, RDS, CloudWatch), Hetzner, DigitalOcean, Kubernetes, Terraform, GitLab CI/CD, Helm, Grafana, Loki, Prometheus, K6, Wireguard, Blockchain Nodes (BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC)
April 2013December 2018
5 years 9 months
Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Company

Navoi, ngmk.uz

Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

System Administrator
Job responsibilities: Implementation of new systems, support of AIX failover clusters, migration from Windows to Linux, Zabbix monitoring system support, Lotus Domino mail system support, migration/deployment to Lotus Domino on Linux, creation of a Lotus Domino cluster. Support for Oracle 8/9/11, Support for PostgreSQL 7/8 Technology stack: Linux, FreeBSD, AIX, Windows Server, Nginx, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Docker, Zabbix, Lotus Domino, Active Directory


Skill proficiency levels
CI/CD: GitHub Actions, Gitlab CI/CD
OS: CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, AIX, Windows Server
Cloud Service: AWS, Microsoft Azure, DigitalOcean
Logging: Elasticsearch (Cluster), Loki (Cluster)
Visualization: Grafana, Kibana
Logging Agent: Promtail, Fluent*, Filebeat
Scripting: Bash
IaC: Terraform, Ansible
Оркестеризация: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm
Security: SQUID, OpenVPN, PFSense, WireGuard
Monitoring: Zabbix, Prometheus
Virtualization: IBM PowerVM, KVM/QEMU, ESXi
Mail System: IBM Domino, Postfix, Exim
DBMS: Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
Hight Availability: PowerHA, HAProxy, Keepalived
Backup Systems: Barman, Bareos
Containerization: Docker, ContainerD, Podman

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

I love my profession, I constantly work on myself and improve my technical skills. Working in busy projects is always inspiring

Higher education (master)

Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Information Security, Information Security Specialist
Tashkent University of Information Technologies
Information Technologies, Information Security Specialist



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Uzbektelecom, Oracle Database Administration
IBM EAST EUROPE/ASIA, Power Systems for AIX: Performance Management
Training and Support Center for Young Programmers
Training and Support Center for Young Programmers, Fundamentals of Administration and Programming

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Uzbekistan

Permission to work: Uzbekistan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter