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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online today at 14:26
Male, 23 years, born on 2 June 2001
Actively searching for a job
Tashkent, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Software Engineer, Angular, Vue, React
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 4 years 6 months
November 2022 — currently
2 years 5 months
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Creating multiple web applications from scratch:
1) SMAT - electronic circulation of reports from medical institutions throughout Uzbekistan. It implemented the creation, editing, viewing and deletion of reports of varying complexity, the history of changes to reports, as well as a summary of these reports, a separate analytics module for all reports with diagrams of varying complexity, an admin panel for creating new accounts, for creating new organizations in which these accounts have 5 levels of access, so that a person can only create reports, others can only check and accept or refuse leaving comments, others can transmit it
one level and higher and the highest level which has access to absolutely everything (React.js, Typescript, Next.js, Redux-toolkit)
2) Afisha - publishing and viewing news and events, a custom calendar of these events, which come as notifications to all other projects in this ecosystem (React.js, Typescript, react-query, Next.js)
3) SMAT-pediatrics - exclusive version of the first web application (React.js, Redux-toolkit, Typescript, Next.js)
4) SMAT-dermatology - exclusive version of the first web application (React.js, Redux-toolkit, Typescript, Next.js)
July 2022 — currently
2 years 9 months
Tashkent, axtechnology.uz
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Project description:
AxCRM - Development of a CRM system with the help of which users correspond, call, make appointments, transactions with clients (Angular)
Raro - Developed a web platform for searching and showcasing properties in Dubai. The platform includes dynamic property listings and interactive media content to enhance user engagement. (React)
BeRocker - Developed a CRM system that allows users to communicate via messages and calls, schedule appointments, manage client transactions, and track vehicle movements in real time. (Vue)
Role in the project:
Front-End – developer, Middle+
● Refactoring and component decomposition
● Redesign and changes to the application architecture
● Implementation of partitions
● Implementation of partition components
● Code review
● Refinement and improvement of existing FLOW development
Implemented a call module, a mail module, a transactions module, refactored and transferred the chat module to state management, participated in global project redesigns
A considerable number of modules with CRUD operations have been created within the admin panel, and authorization has been implemented through the Google Authentication scanner
Main technologies of the project
Angular, RxJs, NgRx, TypeScript. EsLint, Bootstrap components
September 2021 — September 2022
1 year 1 month
Tashkent, zen.land
Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more
Project description:
Development of a platform for creating smart contracts based on blockchain (zen.land)
Role in the project:
● Refactoring and component decomposition
● Redesign and changes to the application architecture
● Implementation of partitions
● Implementation of partition components
● Code review
Refinement and improvement of existing FLOW development
Raised a project from scratch using React, Redux, Typescript, web3 technologies
Implemented pages for creating, viewing, editing smart contracts, implemented a chat inside smart contracts, and also implemented a page for creating and editing a user
Main technologies of the project:
web3, Typescript, React, Redux
October 2020 — August 2021
11 months
Sakura Digital Agency
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Creation of turnkey websites of various levels of complexity using a stack of HTML, CSS(SCSS), JS(JQuery), Wordpress CMS and basic operations in PHP
Development of your own product, various snippets, templates based on various CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Tailwind, Material UI)
Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
Basic level
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
Professional skills:
- experience with HTML (and template engines like hbs, ejs), CSS (SCSS, LESS, SASS), JS, Git flow (GitHub, GitLab), Wordpress, Gulp, Webpack;
- knowledge of cross-browser, adaptive layout;
- experience with PhotoShop, Figma, Avacode, Adobe Sketch;
- knowledge of CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Tailwind, Material UI, Materialize, Ant Design);
- knowledge of JS: Angular, React.js, Redux.js, Redux-toolkit, Redux-saga, Next.js, JQuery - fluent, NodeJS - at the level of creating simple APIs using MongoDB and ExpressJS, React-Native - at the creation level small applications);
- ability to write structured and understandable code based on TypeScript;
- ability to write tests for your projects;
- understanding of the principles and stages of web project development.
Language skills: Russian - fluent; Uzbek – fluent; English - technical.
Reading is my favorite pastime, and I managed to combine it with my work! I read it with pleasure and confidently advise you:
1. Dive into HTML5 (M. Pilgrim)
2. The Big Book of CSS (D. McFarland)
3. The Complete Guide to JS (D. Flanagan)
4. Book series "You don't know JS" (All 7 parts)
5. Professional TypeScript (Black B)
6. Grocking algorithms (Bhargava Aditya)
7. Learning regular expressions (Ben Forta)
Higher education
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Pharmacy, Pharmacy
Professional development, courses
Education center, Full stack developer
Tests, examinations
Education center, Wordpress-developer
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Uzbekistan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter