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Мужчина, 43 года, родился 23 октября 1981

Рассматривает предложения

Ташкент, готов к переезду (Другие регионы, Москва), готов к командировкам

Electrical Engineer

250 000  на руки

  • Инженер-конструктор, инженер-проектировщик

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа

График работы: полный день, сменный график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод

Опыт работы 20 лет 3 месяца

Ноябрь 2012по настоящее время
12 лет 5 месяцев
JV "Uzbekistan GTL" LLC

Ташкент, www.oltinyolgtl.com

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Senior Electrical Engineer
- Verify EC design as per the SOW for the EPC Lump-sum contract; - Assist the Project and Technical Managers in performing the overall PMT duties as required; - Interface/co-ordinate with other engineering disciplines where design responsibilities overlap; - Interface and define battery limits; - During the initial stages of the EPC phase, ensure that all the required electrical specifications are developed and approve; - Review and audit regularly to ensure compliance with EPC SOW; - Ensure that updates and development of Engineering Standards, Specifications and Procedures meet Owner requirement; - Attend design, safety and other reviews and meetings; - On an ongoing basis monitor the EPC Contractor and provide input as required; - Provide inputs into progress reports as required; - Application of value improving practices on GTL projects; - Support construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning and plant start-up activities. Managerial: - Responsible for subordinates performance and quality of work and administers employee PMA; - Develop and implement engineering training programs where appropriate; - Engage in management development programs where appropriate. Duties and goals: direct participation in designing the power network objects, including electric lighting networks, lighting guard and earthing. Engineering design based on Electric Installation Code, Construction Norms & Regulations, Departmental Construction Rules, as well as participation in any stage of (Pre) Feasibility Study, Working Documentation, Detail Design. Flow of documents: customer correspondence (letter writing and negotiating), calculation of design estimate documentation, etc. Responsible for the quality and integrity of the electrical package of the facility and involves him/herself with the day to day activities of the EC and the technical team by defining interfaces, resolving queries and interpreting owner requirements. I'm carry out these functions in close liaison with the appointed Engineering Contractor (EC) and Single Point Licensor (SPL) to ensure that these functions are executed smoothly and in line with project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Review electrical detailed design deliverables i.e. Project Design Specification, power system studies, load calculations, UPS/battery sizing calculation, transformer sizing, generator sizing, grounding calculation, cable sizing, lighting illumination level calculation, power system and protection single-line diagram, datasheets, layout drawings, etc. Review and approval of Vendor drawings and material submittals. Preparation of electrical equipment technical specifications/data sheets. Checking of design drawings and calculations against – layouts, electrical one-line diagrams, wiring distribution scheme, etc. Material takeoff/quantity estimates. Supervision of contractors and assigned personnel Evaluate technical specifications of material/equipment offered by vendors. Attend factory acceptance tests (FAT). Responsible for the production of all detail design deliverables i.e. Project Scope of Work, power system studies, load calculations, UPS/battery sizing calculation, transformer sizing, cable sizing calculation, grounding grid calculation, relay coordination studies, lighting illumination level calculation, power system and protection single-line diagram, datasheets, layout drawings, cable schedule, etc.
Январь 2005Октябрь 2012
7 лет 10 месяцев
Petroleum Research&Design Institute "UzLITIneftgas"

Узбекистан, www.liting.uz

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Senior Electrical Design Engineer
-Pre-work: the development of several versions of the proposals on the task at hand, the coordination with the Customer the best proposals, preliminary approval of the necessary services and the acquisition of technical conditions-Performed short-circuit calculation, to prepare basis for the selection of the interrupting equipment and also to verify adequacy of existing interrupting equipment; to determine the system protective device settings, the effects of the fault currents on various system components during the time the fault persists); -Performed load flow study (to determine the voltages, currents, and real and reactive power flows in a system under a given load conditions); -UPS/battery sizing calculation, to ensure that the loads being supplied or the power sys-tem being supported are adequately catered for by the battery for the period of time (i.e. autonomy) for which it is designed; -Transformer sizing, applying the few calculation methods to select proper size of trans-former, to ensure reliable power supply. -Cable sizing calculation (to make sure that the cross sectional area of the cable is sufficient to keep the voltage drop (due to impedance of cable conductor) within the specified limit so that the equipment which is being supplied power through that cable gets at least the minimum required voltage at its power supply input terminal during starting and running condition both). -Grounding grid calculation, did in electrical network is for the safety. All metallic parts in electrical equipments are grounded then if the insulation inside the equipments fails there are no dangerous voltages present in the equipment case. -Relay coordination studies and planning of time-selective protection schemes carried out using selectivity diagrams. The selectivity diagram is a set of specific time/current curves which shows all the time/current curves, that is, the operating characteristics of the relays of the concerned chain of protection relays. -Lighting illumination level calculation, the lumen method is used to determine the number of lamps that should be installed for a given area or room. -Preparing power system and protection single-line diagram, which shows the main connections and arrangement of the system components along with their data (such as output rating, voltage, resistance and reactance, etc.), datasheets. -Layout drawings, cable schedule, etc. -Technical Specification/Scope of Work for plant modification projects ensuring that designs are made in compliance to the latest international and industry codes and standards. -Work closely with discipline project engineers/designers and other discipline engineers in the delivery of project engineering/construction deliverables, quality control drawings and overall project support. -Make technical evaluations and recommendations. -Review and approval of Vendor drawings and material submittals. -Preparation of electrical equipment technical specifications/data sheets. -Provide technical support to “Construction and Commissioning groups”. -Produce of design drawings and calculations (layouts, electrical one-line diagrams, wiring distribution scheme, etc.) -Material takeoff/quantity estimates. -Supervision of contractors and assigned personnel. -Fully involved in the departmental engineering activities concerning Concept Definition, Estimating, FEED, Case Studies, Detailed Design. -Responsible for the quality and integrity of the electrical package of the facility and involves him/herself with the day to day activities of the EC and the technical team by defining interfaces, resolving queries and interpreting owner requirements. Caried out these functions in close liaison with the appointed Engineering Contractor (EC) and Single Point Licensor (SPL) to ensure that these functions are executed smoothly and in line with project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). -Review and approval of Vendor drawings and material submittals. -Preparation of electrical equipment technical specifications/data sheets. -Material takeoff/quantity estimates. -Supervision of contractors and assigned personnel -Evaluate technical specifications of material/equipment offered by Vendors


Уровни владения навыками
FEED,Case Studies,Detailed Design,ETAP,Word, Excel,Outlook, AutoCAD,Photoshop

Обо мне

Objective: To pursue a career in Electrical Engineering especially in the field of designing or project management and contribute positively by using my knowledge and lessons learned/gained from years of extensive and solid experiences in electrical design and construction in the oil and gas, petrochemical and infrastructure (high rise) sectors.

Высшее образование

Tashkent State Technical University
Power Energy, Industrial Power Supply

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

НемецкийC1 — Продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

ETAP Course
ETAP, Power System Modeling
Deutsche Sprache
Goethe Institut Taschkent, Language Course

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Узбекистан

Разрешение на работу: Узбекистан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения